560 DKK

Mission Earth Saga
(10‑Volume Set) — Paperback

The complete set of 10 volumes, paperback editions

Earth does not exist. … Or so they want you to believe. Who are they? What do they want? And who do they think they are?

They are the Voltarians of Voltar—an empire 110 planets strong. They are already among us. And the invasion is about to begin … in a hundred years or so. Or is it?

The truth is far more sinister. Undercover, underground and out of sight, the invaders plan what may in fact be a massive diversion. In the darkest recesses of Voltar’s Coordinated Information Apparatus (otherwise known as the CIA), a tyrant of terror sets out to exploit the invasion in order to seize power. All that stands in his way is a planet that doesn’t exist.

Discover a world where corporations rule and political corruption is rife. Where governments are driven by oil and controlled by drugs. Where global warming is getting hotter by the minute … and a scorching love affair could determine the fate of millions. Where a cosmic conspiracy is about to hit home and the intergalactic intrigue knows no bounds.

They call it Blito-P3. We call it Earth.

You can’t afford to look the other way. It’s the end of the world as you know it … and the beginning of one of the most spectacular, thought-provoking, and wildly inventive works of science fiction and espionage of our time.

See the individual titles here »


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