Death Waits at Sundown

80 DKK

Lynn Taylor and his kid brother Frank may not be angels, but they’re not devils, either. They’re just a couple of men—two-fisted Texans who have landed on the wrong side of a corrupt lawman.

Young Frank’s been framed for robbery, rustling, and murder, and if Lynn doesn’t think fast, his brother’s going to end up the guest of dishonor at a hanging party. Lynn cooks up a daring plan to clear his brother’s name and rope in the real outlaw.

But it means Lynn will have to turn outlaw himself, and if he’s caught, it’ll be his neck on the line—and in the noose.

Also includes the Western adventures, “Ride ’Em, Cowboy!” the story of a man and woman’s rodeo rivalry that leads to romance; and “Boss of the Lazy B” in which a lady gets swindled—and the swindler ultimately gets justice.


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