The Magic Quirt

80 DKK

When it comes to boiling up a pot of coffee or stirring up a pot of stew, Old Laramie’s about as good a man as you’re going to find. But other than cooking three squares a day for the cowpunchers over at the Lazy G ranch, Laramie’s not good for much.

But Laramie’s luck—and life—are about to take an amazing turn. Quite by accident, he somehow manages to save a family of Mexicans from bandits, and as a token of their gratitude they give him The Magic Quirt—a horsewhip that he’s told will turn him into a new man.

The transformation is indeed magical. Suddenly Laramie is performing feats of ingenuity and courage that would make even the Lone Ranger proud. But magic is a funny thing—and as Laramie’s about to discover, sometimes it’s all an illusion.

Also includes the western adventures, “Vengeance Is Mine!,” the story of a young man who sets out to avenge his father’s death only to commit an act beyond redemption; and “Stacked Bullets,” in which a game of chance is fixed, a whole town is cheated, and nothing but a stack of bullets can make things right.


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