Twenty Fathoms Down

80 DKK

Daring and defiant there’s no stopping diver Hawk Ridley as he takes the plunge into a briny world of untold riches and danger.

The Caribbean is a fortune hunter’s dream, salted with the gold of galleons long ago claimed by the deep. Now Hawk’s headed for the Windward Passage of Haiti to stake his claim. But a rival team has also picked up the scent, and they’re willing to turn the sea red with blood to get to the gold first.

Fighting off ruthless competitors is nothing new to Hawk … but fighting off a beautiful woman is a different story. Is she an innocent stowaway or a seductive saboteur? Between the cool millions lying on the bottom of the ocean, and the boiling-hot race to grab it, Hawk’s about to find the answer and make a discovery Twenty Fathoms Down that will blow you out of the water.


livre broché




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