4.000 DKK

16th American ACC

Dostupné pouze v angličtině
The Entrance Point to Any Case

„The goal of this procedure is to take the preclear from as far south as preclears can be reached, straight on through as far north as a preclear can be pushed. Therefore the breadth of Procedure CCH is much greater than any other auditing procedure ever released.“ —L. Ron Hubbard

Parallel with the growing radiation count had been an increasing difficulty of cases. The solution was an auditing breakthrough ranking in importance with the ARC Triangle—Control, Communication and Havingness—to take any being from as far south as he can be reached to as far north as he can be pushed.

For if radiation had been „making“ history, in these immortal lecture series given in Washington, DC, in 1957, Ron unveiled discoveries to create something infinitely greater.

A future for Mankind.





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